Classmate Communications

Options for Connecting with Classmates

Our class website provides for personal and public communications with classmates who have joined the site.

Please review the following options and choose the best method(s) for your communications needs.

Private Messaging

Personal messaging is often required to share sensitive information, such as personal e-mail addresses and phone numbers, make plans for meeting up, or sharing family data.

Private messages are sent to the classmate’s primary e-mail address.

To send a private message to an individual classmate:

  • Click on Classmate Profiles in the sidebar menu on the left
  • Find and click on the classmate’s profile
  • Select Send <name> a private message
  • Fill out the subject and private message
  • Click Send Private Message

Public Comments

Contacting all classmates may be appropriate for such things as commenting on Tufts or Class events or announcing something of general interest.

Public comments are posted to the What’s New page.  When a new comment is posted, classmates who have chosen to be notified of new comments will receive an e-mail with a link to the What’s New page.

Comments are generally presented in order of latest first; however, the administrator may ‘pin’ a comment to the top of the list, when appropriate.

 To post a comment to the class:

  • Click on What’s New in the sidebar menu on the left
  • Under Post a Comment, click in the box ‘Share your thoughts with Classmates …’
  • Enter your comment and add a photo or video, if applicable
  • Click Post Message


The Announcements feature is intended for longer-term messages to the class and is generally used by the site administrator for reference and informational postings to all users.  Classmates may propose announcements, but the administrator will determine what is posted.

Announcements are shown on the site Home Page.  When a new Announcement is posted, an entry is posted on the What’s New page and a notification is sent to those classmates who have enabled notifications.

Should you have something you would like posted:

  • Click on Post Announcement under Member Functions, on the sidebar menu to the left.
  • Click Create New Announcement
  • Fill in the form, as appropriate
  • Click Save And Leave this Page

The administrator will be notified of the pending announcement and approve as is or contact the submitter for further action.

Further Information

Should you have questions or comments about this article, please contact